Thursday, March 20, 2008

FaceBook now in BlackBerry...

Facebook for BlackBerry
You won't be able to turn friends into zombies or chuck sheep in their general direction, but with Facebook for BlackBerry, you will be able to perform all the basic Facebook maneuvers you need to keep up with your friends and keep your profile up to date.

So long as your carrier is supported and you've set up your Facebook profile to receive messages on your mobile phone, you'll be able to send and receive messages, poke pals (the normal way, not the fancy way), and peruse friends' profiles.

Be warned that there's a lot of data shuffling back and forth, and the app doesn't scrimp on photos, so data transfers can be potentially slow. Also, there will be no taking advantage of third-party Facebook apps with this BlackBerry build; though what you lose in making your Scrabulous move, you partially regain in the ability to upload phone photos directly to your profile.
Thanks Cnet

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