Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to: See real URLs in TinyURLs

Webware reader Amy wrote in to let us know one of her favorite Firefox plug-ins shortTextTinyURLs, converting them to the actual URL so you can see where the page links to. just got updated with a handy new feature. It will now automatically go through any page you're on and seek out any

If you want to accomplish a similar feat, there's also a bookmarklet called Embiggen, which will do the same thing without you having to install anything. The key difference between the two is that shortText packs in a bundle of other features like letting you write Twitter tweets that are well over the 140 character limit and link all your posts up to a centralized page where you can keep track of replies more easily than on Twitter.

Any TinyURLs on a Twitter post or elsewhere on the Web will automatically be converted with shortText.

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